Broken Leg

Healing from a broken leg is quite a process. Just ask my son who fractured his tibia skiing this year. Besides the pain, casts, splints, atrophy, learning to walk again, and dad shoving calcium down his throat, it was quite an experience. He learned that he his not invincible and that healing takes time. He also learned that spinal adjustments help his low-back and leg feel stronger. It is amazing to me when an orthopedic doctor just cuts someone loose without any recommendation for chiropractic or physical therapy after a leg fracture. Walking around on a cast for ten weeks really torques your back. Restoring the function of your spine really helps the recovery process. Having a balanced spine and pelvis helps all the muscles function correctly, so there is less to overcome during recovery. My advice, if you know of anyone recovering from an arm or leg fracture, get them to see a chiropractor. It will make the difference in their recovery. There are many low-force techniques that are safe to receive during recovery from a fracture. Get an evaluation within a week after cast removal to determine the balance of your spine and pelvis.  Heal Fast! Keep the rubber on the road and boards on the snow too.

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