Slow vs. Fast

DSCF2684How long does it take to get better? Depends on what damage was done. Are your joints jammed up or did something tear or break? There are numerous assessment exams and diagnostic tests ie. X-rays or MRI to figure out what has happened to you. Strains/Sprains can heal in 12 weeks if it is a simple sprain/strain. If there are multiple layers and planes of tissue that are involved, it could take years. There are other considerations like age, body type, nutrition, and stages of disease that would obviously interfere with healing. Stress plays a big role too. The best case scenario is to do an exam to see if there are any red flags and treat the chief complaint or what hurts most. Chiropractic care usually addresses the entire body so your body can heal correctly and efficiently. For example, if a patient is involved in a car crash that damages their neck, the chiropractor would work mainly on the neck, but the upper back, low back and pelvis need to be adjusted as well to  support the foundation of the body and to support the healing of the entire body. Once adjustments begin whether 2-3x/week or more frequently depending on the injury, exercises must be done to transition the body back to normal function. The patient starts with range of motion exercises to reestablish soft tissue coordination across each joint and among each joint above and below it. Mild stretches can be done to bring the body back to symmetry and further reduce stress on the body. Stay with the program to heal faster. But remember, like a cut takes time to heal so do deeper tissues in your body. Nature does have its limitations. Fast healing can neglect quality so slow healing is probably best, don’t rush it or you will have to pay later. Every injury has its complexity and individuality depending on the trauma. Did you just hit the dirt or were you in a car crash that you didn’t see coming. If you’re lucky you are in good shape and you will heal fast, if you are not in shape it could be a long time to get humpty dumpty back together again. Stay in shape and see your chiropractor.

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