Not tonight I have a headache

Someone asked me what causes headaches. Depends on what kind of headache. There are six common kinds 1)vascular, 2)cervicogenic, 3)hormonal, 4)toxic, 5)traumatic, and 6)sinus. 1)Vascular headaches, meaning they have to do with the blood vessels or blood pressure within the vessels, are the migraine or cluster type. Vascular headaches are sharp or pounding usually on one side of the head. This is caused by the blood vessels inability to expand and contract properly. Vascular headaches can be triggered by many things like allergies, stress, or misalignment. 2) Cervicogenic, meaning originating from the neck, are what I see a lot. This is what causes tension headaches, in my opinion. The neck becomes more unbalanced with misalignment, stress, or injury. This unbalance causes asymmetric muscle tension where the neck is tighter on one side compared to the other. The tight side is working much harder than the relaxed side which creates pain and discontent. The body is meant to be symmetric with equal tension on both sides. 3) Hormonal headaches occur more often in women. The pain is usually in the back of the head. Chiropractic can help with these, but it always best to be checked for estrogen/progesterone/testosterone/cortisol imbalances. 4)Toxic headaches are the ones that feel like a hangover. Toxicity can come from your kidneys, your liver, your colon, or anywhere that your body accumulates toxins. Toxins include chemicals, heavy metals, food material stuck in your colon, or anything that accumulates in your body that isn’t being used or can’t get out. 5) Traumatic headaches are caused by a blow to the head or even a whiplash injury. A person may have a mild concussion from an injury. This is where the brain has hit the inside of the skull and is bruised. Concussions can cause a headache but, also include difficulty concentrating, fatigue, and memory loss. This is also called a MTBI, mild traumatic brain injury. 6) Sinus headaches are caused by colds or allergies. The pain is usually behind both eyebrows or in the cheek bones, and can also cause your teeth to ache.  Headaches can take a lot of energy. Don’t let headaches get you down. Chiropractic can benefit all types of headaches. It helped me.

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