Taking out the Trash!

Have you ever detoxified your body? It’s not fun, but you feel better afterward. Generally, the body will detoxify itself eventually. Kind of like having a hangover the day after drinking. Eventually you feel better. There are many types of toxins though. The problem is the body can’t get rid of them all and most of the time there is an accumulation or backlog of toxins in everyone. So, to help with the process there are many different methods. There is the clean each organ method, ie. colon, liver, kidneys. This method is the least expensive, but it can take a lot of time and effort. There are herbal recipes to clean out each organ. The idea is to clean from the outside in so, colon, liver, kidneys, in that order. Another consideration is timing. Sometimes cleansing slowly is the best method. Too fast can make you feel ill, like the hangover thing. The next method is fasting. No eating or just drinking juice for 5 to 10 days. This method is the most challenging. When was the last time you missed a meal? The idea is that if the body is not processing your food then it is cleaning house. From what I’ve read, it takes at least 72 hours to get to the point where your body is starting to process the wastes that have accumalated in the body, in other words,”taking out the trash.” You can also get help from a therapist. Colon Hydrotherapy treatments along with a soft food diet including colon cleansing drinks can detoxify you in as little as 10 days, but it can cost $1000. If you have silver amalgam fillings in your teeth, your body likely has an accumulation of mercury or heavy metals in the cells of your body. To detoxify heavy metals you need to bring out the power tools, just kidding. It does require some more extensive treatment though. Chelation is one method of detoxifying heavy metals. Contact your closest natural medical doctor for this one, an HMD or OMD possibly. If you want to make a go at it yourself, there is a company called Kelatox that has a great product. It takes at least 30 chelation treatments or at least 90 days of the Kelatox product to eliminate heavy metals from your body. Good luck! Taking out the trash can bring about more energy and clarity into your life. It takes some time but, you won’t be sorry.

One thought on “Taking out the Trash!

  1. Practiced for centuries by many cultures around the world — including ayurvedic and Chinese medicine systems — detoxification is about resting, cleaning and nourishing the body from the inside out. By removing and eliminating toxins, then feeding your body with healthy nutrients, detoxifying can help protect you from disease and renew your ability to maintain optimum health.

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