
You ever wonder where the best place to be is. Working from the present helps to make that realization better. Where are you now and what are you doing. First thing to do is be aware of all of your senses. There are two senses I’ve found that are more helpful in feeling present. The first sense to work on is hearing or listening. Notice that in quiet places appreciating the silence or even the smallest of sounds you can feel most present in conciousness. When you develop the listening then you can move on to feeling. What do you feel when you are silent, or in nature, or in a room of people for that matter. The idea here is to focus your conciousness on being present and not in thought or actually controlling your thought. As you allow your mind to run through thoughts you can snag some negativity which if persistent can make you feel bad. When the thoughts run catch yourself and focus on hearing and feeling. This is all a lesson in appreciating your senses. There are many experiences that if you savor them will instill joy into your life and deeply calm you. Watching a sunset, looking at a flower, listening to a creek, even the taste of potatoes and salt. Be there!

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Mathew Broderick as Ferris Bueller

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