Broken Bone Club

Splinted and leaving ER = Tough Guy

My 5 year old son fractured his tibia skiing on Friday. It was educational for me since there were no signs that there was a fracture. There was no swelling, no redness, no bruising, and no deformity. There was only pain. He was only in pain when he moved it. Apparently this is common for pediatric fractures.There was no fracture to the fibula and his growth plates were intact. Gratitude is due.

Union of pediatric diaphyseal tibial fractures occurs in approximately 10 weeks. Non-union occurs in 2% of cases according to:

J Am Acad Orthop Surg, Vol 13, No 5, September 2005, 345-352.

The fracture is splinted for the first 3-4 days to monitor for compartment syndrome and swelling. Then we get a perfect blue cast of the whole leg for 4 weeks, then another lower leg or half-cast for the remaining 6 weeks.

The biggest problem is teaching a 5 year old how to use crutches. I guess we’ll start slow with flat surfaces and build up to stairs. Heal fast little man. You will be stronger for going through this.

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